1. syringe (n.) a needle fitted to a plastic tube, used for taking blood from your body or for putting medicine or drugs into it = กระบอกฉีดยา
2.operating table (n.)a table that someone lies on while doctors operate on them = เตียงผ่าตัด
3.nurse (n.)someone who performs basic health checks and gives immunizations at a doctor’s surgery = นางพยาบาล
4.gauze (n.)white cotton cloth that is very thin and has been woven in a loose way, used in layers for protecting and treating an injury = ผ้าปิดปาก
5.patient (n.)someone who is receiving medical treatment = ผู้ป่วย , คนไข้
6.ambulance (n.)a vehicle for taking people to hospital = รถพยาบาล
7.wheelchair (n.)a chair with large wheels that someone who cannot walk uses for moving around = รถเข็น
8.doctor (n.)someone whose job is to treat people who are ill or injured = หมอ
9.ward (n.)a large room in a hospital with beds for people to stay in = ห้องผู้ป่วย
10.surgery (n.) medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone’s body = การผ่าตัด